Why we are here

This is the first entry of thousands of blog posts that will come. I thought the best way to start this was to talk about why. As a tech entrepreneur, you are always asked this question on why you do the things you do, but you never get the chance to write them down. This is an opportunity, so everyone can read about why we are doing Emma and why the world needs it.

In a world where fintechs are rushing to get banking licenses, creating new products, building completely new infrastructures, there is a need to have an app that takes care of one thing and only, the human being. With Emma, we are not trying to build a different banking experience, the world doesn’t need that. We are aiming to build an entity that will always be there no matter who you are or where you come from.

We believe in a world where people will have their money somewhere and then interface themselves with their personal advisor. This AI won’t be driven by any interests, but by a third party that needs to be “super partes”. 

Can you really trust us? It’s too easy to say yes and we don’t want you to say it right away. We know trust is something you need to gain over time and we’ll make sure to get that yes by the work we do every day. We promise to make this journey as transparent as possible. We can’t afford to hide things.

What’s Emma? It’s an app. We think this is the best way to give you something quick, useful and accessible from anywhere. That’s why we have decided to build a mobile company first. Emma will be available on Android and iOS during this fall.

With this blog, we introduce our wait list to get access to our beta. We are looking for early adopters, people who believe in what we believe and are willing to make an effort to try us out and give as much feedback as possible.

The work will do together will define what the future is going to look like.

The best is yet to come. 😉