If you have a credit card you are likely aware of the importance of paying it off on time to build a strong credit history and a favorable credit position. There are multiple ways to build your credit history most of...
A mortgage is a type of loan you take out before purchasing a property. Applying for a mortgage is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll make and there are a lot of things you need to consider. Here are 11 of...
Mortgage terminology can be pretty confusing. In this glossary, we explain all the words you’re like to come across when applying for a mortgage. Because understanding what each of these terms means can make the...
Here in the UK, owning our own home is a huge aspiration for many and is often seen as one of the big markers of adulthood. One of the biggest reasons people want to buy their own home in the UK is to “provide a sense...
If you’re thinking about buying a new home, you might be wondering about all the different types of mortgages available in the U.S. In the U.S there are many different types of mortgages, each with its own benefits and...
Getting a mortgage is a big deal. Here we take a look at what a mortgage is, the different types of mortgages you can get in the UK, as well as a few things you need to do to make sure your mortgage application gets...
When it comes to buying a house, it’s not just the deposit you need to be saving for. There are lots of hidden costs involved with buying a house, so to help you avoid any nasty surprises, we’ve listed all the...