A savings account can be a great place to keep any money that you do not plan on spending for a while. This could be money that you’re saving for a holiday, a house deposit, or even retirement. Savings...
With hundreds of technical terms being used every day in the financial world, it’s no wonder so many people find managing their money a little daunting. To help combat this, we’ve put together a list of basic...
Compound interest is a financial term that you may have heard being thrown around. But, what does it actually mean, and why is it so important? Whether you have savings, investments, or debts, understanding compound...
So you want to start saving money, but don’t quite know how? Fun money saving challenges can be a creative, and enjoyable, way to start building up your savings pot. Invite your friends to join in the challenge...
If you’re looking to improve your finances, then creating a personal budget is a good idea. There are lots of budgeting methods you can use, but it’s important that you pick a budgeting technique that suits...
So you want to save a bit of money? With lockdown and the impending issues we face with the corona-conomy we get you. Thankfully there are lots of easy ways you can save money. Here we list our top ten easy money-saving...
With the recent Coronavirus pandemic, many families found themselves struggling to save and forced to rewrite their monthly family budget. Being well prepared is the key to overcoming any difficult situation and...
You may be considering to cancel your broadband contract for a variety of reasons. Maybe you are moving home, want to upgrade your speed, or you might be looking to switch for a better deal. Before you do this you...
When renting a property, or looking for your next prospective rental, a very important question to ask yourself is how much rent budget you can afford. Spending too much of your monthly wage on rental payments could...
The future is unpredictable. Sickness or illness, car maintenance, home repairs, or job loss. Unfortunately, you can never really know what’s around the corner. It’s, therefore, best to be as prepared as possible, which...