Category - Tips & Tricks

Fun money saving challenges

Six Fun Money Saving Challenges

So you want to start saving money, but don’t quite know how? Fun money saving challenges can be a creative, and enjoyable, way to start building up your savings pot. Invite your friends to join in the challenge...

calculate your net worth

How To Calculate Your Net Worth

You may have heard the term Net Worth, but what does it mean, and how can you calculate your own? What Is Net Worth? Your net worth is a single number that can be used to determine your current financial position. ...

easy ways to save money

Ten Easy Ways To Save Money

So you want to save a bit of money? With lockdown and the impending issues we face with the corona-conomy we get you. Thankfully there are lots of easy ways you can save money. Here we list our top ten easy money-saving...

Improve Your Finances

How To Improve Your Finances In Under An Hour

Many people assume that improving their financial position takes years. Well, we’ve got some good news for you… You can actually start to improve your finances in less than an hour!  Block out some time in your...